הצעת תשובות לשאלות בחינת הבגרות אנגלית

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1 בגרות לבתי ספר על יסודיים סוג הבחינה: מדינת ישראל קיץ תשע"ג, 2013 מועד הבחינה: משרד החינוך מספר השאלון: Thinking Skills נספח: כישורי חשיבה )לפרק ראשון ושני( הצעת תשובות לשאלות בחינת הבגרות אנגלית א. משך הבחינה: שעה וחצי שאלון ו' (MODULE F) ספרות הוראות לנבחן ב. מבנה השאלון ומפתח ההערכה: בשאלון זה שלושה פרקים. פרק ראשון 35 נקודות פרק שני 35 נקודות פרק שלישי 30 נקודות סה"כ 100 נקודות ג. חומר עזר מותר בשימוש: אחד מבין המילונים האלה: מילון אנגלי-אנגלי-עברי או מילון אנגלי-עברי-עברי-אנגלי قاموس إنجليزي - إنجليزي - عربي או )מילון אנגלי-אנגלי-ערבי( قاموس إنجليزي - عربي/ عربي - إنجليزي )מילון אנגלי-ערבי / ערבי-אנגלי( נבחן "עולה חדש" רשאי להשתמש גם במילון דו לשוני: אנגלי-שפת אמו / שפת אמו-אנגלי. ד. הוראות מיוחדות: )1( עליך לכתוב את כל תשובותיך בגוף השאלון )במקומות המיועדים לכך(. )2( כתוב את כל תשובותיך באנגלית ובעט בלבד. אסור להשתמש בטיפקס. )3( בתום הבחינה החזר את השאלון למשגיח. הערה: על כתיב שגוי יופחתו נקודות מהציון. ההנחיות בשאלון זה מנוסחות בלשון זכר ומכוונות לנבחנות ולנבחנים כאחד. בהצלחה! /המשך מעבר לדף/

2 אנגלית, ספרות, קיץ תשע"ג, מס' נספח PART I (35 points) Answer the questions for either (A) (Mr. Know All) OR (B) (The Enemy). A. MR. KNOW ALL / W. Somerset Maugham Answer questions 1-3 and either question 4 OR question When the narrator enters his cabin for the first time, he sees Mr. Kelada's possessions. Explain what the narrator thinks about one of these possessions.... He thinks there are too many labels on his suitcases. / His brushes are dirty. / His wardrobe trunk is too big. 2. After first talking to Mr. Kelada, the narrator says, "King George has many strange subjects." What does he mean by this? (i) Mr. Kelada doesn't like England. (ii) Mr. Kelada doesn't speak English. (iii) Mr. Kelada doesn't look British. (iv) Mr. Kelada doesn't have a British passport. 3. How do the narrator's feelings about Mr. Kelada change from the beginning to the end of the story?... At the beginning of the story he said that he did not like Mr. Kelada. He thought he was a loud showoff. At the end of the story he said that he did not entirely dislike him. His feelings about him changed because he saw that Mr. Kelada was a sensitive person who was ready to lose a hundred dollars and look like a fool to help Mrs. Ramsay. )שים לב: שאלות 5-4 בעמוד הבא.( / המשך בעמוד 3/

3 - 3 - אנגלית, ספרות, קיץ תשע"ג, מס' נספח 4. a. What do we learn about Mr. Ramsay's character from the story? Give information from the story to support your answer. NOTE: For this question use ONE of the thinking skills from the Appendix )נספח( on page 15. Inferring Thinking skill I chose:... Mr. Ramsay is really the ignorant showoff in the story because, for example, he pretends to know about pearls but really couldn't tell they weren't fake. He is also very insensitive to the feelings of others, especially his wife's feelings. He doesn't notice that Mrs. Ramsay doesn't want to take off her pearls.... He also doesn't see how frightened she is. He is also not aware. of where she got the pearls from or that they are real. b. Explain why you chose this skill to answer question 4a. Your answer must refer specifically to the text. I chose this skill because I can infer from his behavior that Mr. Ramsay is a selfish person. OR: 5. a. While Mr. Kelada is examining the pearls, Mrs. Ramsay's face changes. How does this affect Mr. Kelada? Mr. Kelada understands that Mrs. Ramsay knows her pearls are real. He realizes that Mrs. Ramsay has kept a secret from her husband but he decides to protect her and pretends he has made a mistake about the pearls. (7 points) b. How does our opinion of Mrs. Ramsay change at this point in the story? Give information from the story to support your answer. In the beginning we think she is a nice, modest lady. Our opinion changes at this point in the story because we learn that she lied to her husband about her necklace. We think that she is not so innocent. (8 points) /המשך בעמוד / 4

4 אנגלית, ספרות, קיץ תשע"ג, מס' נספח OR: B. THE ENEMY / Pearl S. Buck Answer questions 6-8 and either question 9 OR question When Sadao and his wife first find the white man why do they decide not to throw him back into the sea? (i) He was a prisoner of war. (ii) He was very young. (iii) He was wounded. (iv) He was American. 7. Name TWO things that Sadao does to save the white man's life after he brings him home. (1)... He operates on him.. (2)... He helps him escape.. 8. Why do you think Sadao doesn't want to know any details about the white man?... He doesn't want to know any details about the white man because he doesn't want to become emotionally involved with him. The less he knows about the white man the better, both for him and for the white man. )שים לב: שאלות 10-9 בעמוד הבא.( /המשך בעמוד 5/

5 - 5 - אנגלית, ספרות, קיץ תשע"ג, מס' נספח 9. a. "Stupid Yumi," she [Hana] muttered fiercely. "Is this anything but a man?" What is the importance of this quote to the story? NOTE: For this question use ONE of the thinking skills from the Appendix )נספח( on page 15. Thinking skill I chose:... Distinguishing different perspectives Hana sees the white man as a person who is in need of. help and not as a nameless enemy who should be killed which is the. way Yumi looks at the white man. This point is central to the story because it talks about how all people are similar and that they.. should all be treated in a humane and respectful way. b. Explain why you chose that particular thinking skill to answer question 9a. Your answer must refer specifically to the text. I chose the thinking skill of Distinguishing Different Perspectives. because I had to understand how Hana's view of the white man is different from that of Yumi. OR: 10. a. Compare and contrast the servants' reaction to the white man to that of Hana and Sadao. The servants think that the white man should have been thrown back into the sea and that Sadao and Hana shouldn't have. brought him into the house. Sadao and Hana feel a responsibility to. the. white man and they decide to look after him. (7 points) b. After he recovers from the operation, the white man says to Sadao, "I guess if all the Japs were like you there wouldn't have been a war." What do you think he means by this? He means that if the Japanese and the Americans saw. each other as individuals and not enemies, there wouldn't have been. a war. They would respect each other's views and understand that. all people are the same. (8 points) /המשך בעמוד 6/

6 אנגלית, ספרות, קיץ תשע"ג, מס' נספח PART II (35 points) Answer the questions for either (C) (Rules of the Game) OR (D) (The Split Cherry Tree). C. RULES OF THE GAME / Amy Tan Answer questions and either question 14 OR question "We lived in San Francisco's Chinatown." Give TWO things Waverly remembers about her home or neighborhood. She remembers the good smells from the bakery under the apartment. (1).... She remembers the special medicinal herb shop (where cures could (2).... be bought). 12. What advice does Waverly's mother give her about living in America? She tells her she should (-). (i) learn to speak English well (ii) know the rules of the country (iii) eat American food (iv) accept used gifts 13. When she sees the chess game for the first time, Waverly thinks: "The chessboard seemed to hold elaborate secrets." What secrets about life does Waverly discover while playing chess?... Waverly learns to hide information and her feelings. She doesn't let her mother know that she really wants to play chess and later to play in tournaments. She learns to control her behavior and what she says. She learns from her chess teacher Lau Po not to show that she is angry when she loses a game. )שים לב: שאלות בעמוד הבא.( /המשך בעמוד 7/

7 - 7 - אנגלית, ספרות, קיץ תשע"ג, מס' נספח 14. a. "I knew it was a mistake to say anything more, but I heard my voice speaking. 'Why do you have to use me to show off?'" Why is this quote a turning point in the story? Give information from the story to support your answer. NOTE: For this question use ONE of the thinking skills from the Appendix )נספח( on page 15. Thinking skill I chose:... Explaining cause and effect This is a turning point because, for a long time, Waverly. has kept her feelings to herself, but at this point she acts like an American and tells her mother directly what she feels. Her success at chess has.. given her the courage to speak up for herself. The result is that her... mother is very insulted, and their relationship changes.. b. Explain why you chose that particular thinking skill to answer question 14a. Your answer must refer specifically to the text. The HOTS of Cause and Effect allowed me to show how Waverly's. new life caused her to have more confidence and so affected her relationship with her mother. OR: 15. a. At the end of the story Waverly thinks: "In my head, I saw a chessboard with sixty-four black and white squares... Her [her mother's] black men advanced across the plane, slowly marching to each successive level as a single unit. My white pieces screamed as they scurried and fell off the board one by one." What can we infer about Waverly's feelings at this point in the story? Waverly sees her mother as her enemy. At this point her. mother is winning the game between them. She feels that her mother is. in control and that she has no way of fighting back.. (8 points) )שים לב: שאלה 15.b בעמוד הבא.( /המשך בעמוד 8/

8 אנגלית, ספרות, קיץ תשע"ג, מס' נספח b. How has Waverly's relationship with her mother changed from the beginning of the story? As long as Waverly behaves like a Chinese girl her mother is proud of her and gives her privileges and support, nice clothes and rewards. However, once Waverly speaks her mind openly, the mother turns into a kind of enemy, no longer supportive. (7 points) OR: D. THE SPLIT CHERRY TREE / Jesse Stuart Answer questions and either question 19 OR question Why didn't the other boys who broke the tree have to stay after school?... The other boy's parents had money and could pay the fine for breaking the tree. 17. On the night before Pa comes to the school, Dave says, "I studied plane geometry. Then I studied my biology lesson. I could hardly study for thinking about Pa." Why was Dave so worried?... Dave was afraid his father would do something terrible at the school. )שים לב: שאלות בעמוד הבא.( /המשך בעמוד 9/

9 - 9 - אנגלית, ספרות, קיץ תשע"ג, מס' נספח 18. "'He's too big to whip,' says Professor Herbert, pointing to me. 'He's a man in size.' 'He's not too big fer me to whip,' says Pa. 'They ain't too big until they're over twenty-one!' " What does this quote show us about the differences between Pa's and Herbert's approaches to educating children?... Prof. Hebert thinks Dave is old enough to take responsibility like an adult. Dave broke something, and he has to pay the fine. However, Pa comes from a more traditional background and believes in physical punishment as a way to "teach" boys how to behave. 19. a. At the end of the story Pa says, "I ain't got much larnin' myself but I do know right from wrong atter I see through a thing." How does Pa's behavior in the story support his description of himself? Give information from the story to support your answer. NOTE: For this question use ONE of the thinking skills from the Appendix )נספח( on page 15. Thinking skill I chose:... Comparing and contrasting Before his visit to the school Pa was very critical of the. education there and wanted to threaten Professor Herbert with his gun. After his visit, he admits that he was wrong. He tells Dave that.. he must pay for what he broke and that taking money from Professor... Herbert would not be right. He also stays behind to help Dave pay. off his debt. b. Explain why you chose that particular thinking skill to answer question 19a. Your answer must refer specifically to the text. ANSWER: I... chose the thinking skill of Comparing and Contrasting because I. compared Pa's behavior before he visited the school with how he behaved after he spent time there. )שים לב: שאלה 20 בעמוד הבא.( /המשך בעמוד 10/

10 אנגלית, ספרות, קיץ תשע"ג, מס' נספח OR: 20. When Pa arrives at the school, Dave thinks to himself: "I'd never seen Pa in a schoolhouse before. I'd seen Professor Herbert. He'd always looked big before to me. He didn't look big standing beside of Pa." a. What is Dave's perspective of his father at this point in the story? At this point in the story he sees his father as a strong, powerful man who might use violence to punish Professor Herbert. He is afraid and embarrassed by him. (7 points) b. How does Dave see his father at the end of the story? He is no longer afraid of him. He sees him as small and out of place in the modern world. But he also sees that he is a moral, kind man. (8 points) /המשך בעמוד 11/

11 אנגלית, ספרות, קיץ תשע"ג, מס' נספח PART III (30 points) Answer the question for either (21) All My Sons OR (22) The Wave. Suggested length: words. 21. ALL MY SONS / Arthur Miller When the play All My Sons first opened after World War II in 1947, Americans admired the returning soldiers as heroes. There were also feelings of anger towards the civilian businessmen who had profited from the war effort. The businessmen themselves had deep feelings of guilt, especially the ones whose sons had fought and died during the war. Make a connection between the above description and the play. Give information from the play to support your answer. OR: 22. THE WAVE / Morton Rhue In the 1960s a psychologist called Stanley Milgram carried out a series of experiments at Yale University. Participants were asked to give what they believed were harmful electric shocks to another person for as long as they were instructed to do so by a person in authority, even if it was against their moral beliefs. Most of the participants did what they were told to do. Only a small minority refused to carry out the orders. Make a connection between the above information and the novel. Give information from the novel to support your answer. /המשך בעמוד 12/

12 אנגלית, ספרות, קיץ תשע"ג, מס' נספח Use this page and the next (pages 12-13) for writing a rough draft.

13 אנגלית, ספרות, קיץ תשע"ג, מס' נספח

14 אנגלית, ספרות, קיץ תשע"ג, מס' נספח Write your final version here: 21. In All My Sons, the themes of guilt and money are very important. Joe Keller acts like he has no guilt about how he made his money, profiting from "the war effort." He justifies his financial success and says everything is worth it if it is for the family. On the other hand, Chris, who was a returning soldier, doesn't feel like a hero. He feels guilty that many of his fellow soldiers died in the war while his father made money. In the end, Joe realizes that making money for his family doesn't justify the deaths of the pilots, which is why he kills himself. 22. This quote talks about social experiments that show how people behave. It shows that people are willing to do harmful things to others when someone they respect tells them to do it and that they don't refuse, even though they probably know that it is wrong. In The Wave, the teacher Ben did a social experiment on his class. He was the authority the pupils respected, and when he told them to behave in certain ways most of them didn't question him. They also started behaving in a mean and immoral way to other people. For example, David pushed Laurie and other pupils wrote names and nasty messages to her. Laurie was the only one who was willing to question Ben's authority from the start, and David only changed after he saw the effects of the experiment. בהצלחה! זכות היוצרים שמורה למדינת ישראל אין להעתיק או לפרסם אלא ברשות משרד החינוך

15 אנגלית, ספרות, קיץ תשע"ג, מס' נספח APPENDIX TO PARTS I and II )נספח לפרק ראשון ולפרק שני) Thinking Skills )כישורי חשיבה) Comparing and contrasting Distinguishing different perspectives Explaining cause and effect Problem solving Inferring Explaining patterns

נספח: כישורי חשיבה )לפרק ראשון ושני( אנגלית (MODULE D) ספרות או מילון אנגלי-עברי-עברי-אנגלי

נספח: כישורי חשיבה )לפרק ראשון ושני( אנגלית (MODULE D) ספרות או מילון אנגלי-עברי-עברי-אנגלי בגרות לבתי ספר על יסודיים סוג הבחינה: מדינת ישראל קיץ תשע"ג, 2013 מועד הבחינה: משרד החינוך מספר השאלון: 016115 Thinking Skills נספח: כישורי חשיבה )לפרק ראשון ושני( אנגלית שאלון ד' (MODULE D) א. משך הבחינה:

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נספח: כישורי חשיבה )לפרק ראשון ושני( אנגלית (MODULE D) ספרות או מילון אנגלי-עברי-עברי-אנגלי

נספח: כישורי חשיבה )לפרק ראשון ושני( אנגלית (MODULE D) ספרות או מילון אנגלי-עברי-עברי-אנגלי בגרות לבתי ספר על יסודיים סוג הבחינה: מדינת ישראל קיץ תשע"ב, 2012 מועד הבחינה: משרד החינוך מספר השאלון: 016115 Thinking Skills נספח: כישורי חשיבה )לפרק ראשון ושני( אנגלית שאלון ד' (MODULE D) א. משך הבחינה:

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נספח: כישורי חשיבה )לפרק ראשון ושני( אנגלית (MODULE D) ספרות מילון אנגלי-אנגלי-עברי או מילון אנגלי-עברי-עברי-אנגלי

נספח: כישורי חשיבה )לפרק ראשון ושני( אנגלית (MODULE D) ספרות מילון אנגלי-אנגלי-עברי או מילון אנגלי-עברי-עברי-אנגלי בגרות לבתי ספר על יסודיים סוג הבחינה: מדינת ישראל קיץ תשע"ב, מועד ב מועד הבחינה: משרד החינוך מספר השאלון: 016115 Thinking Skills נספח: כישורי חשיבה )לפרק ראשון ושני( אנגלית שאלון ד' (MODULE D) א. משך הבחינה:

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נספח: כישורי חשיבה )לפרק ראשון ושני( אנגלית (MODULE F) ספרות מילון אנגלי-אנגלי-עברי או מילון אנגלי-עברי-עברי-אנגלי

נספח: כישורי חשיבה )לפרק ראשון ושני( אנגלית (MODULE F) ספרות מילון אנגלי-אנגלי-עברי או מילון אנגלי-עברי-עברי-אנגלי בגרות לבתי ספר על יסודיים סוג הבחינה: מדינת ישראל קיץ תשע"ב, מועד ב מועד הבחינה: משרד החינוך מספר השאלון: 016117 Thinking Skills נספח: כישורי חשיבה )לפרק ראשון ושני( א. משך הבחינה: שעה וחצי אנגלית שאלון

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מספר השאלון: Thinking Skills נספח: כישורי חשיבה )לפרק ראשון ושני( א נ ג ל י ת (MODULE F) ספרות )מילון הראפס אנגלי-אנגלי-ערבי(

מספר השאלון: Thinking Skills נספח: כישורי חשיבה )לפרק ראשון ושני( א נ ג ל י ת (MODULE F) ספרות )מילון הראפס אנגלי-אנגלי-ערבי( בגרות לבתי ספר על יסודיים סוג הבחינה: מדינת ישראל קיץ תשע"א, 2011 מועד הבחינה: משרד החינוך 016117 מספר השאלון: Thinking Skills נספח: כישורי חשיבה )לפרק ראשון ושני( א נ ג ל י ת א. משך הבחינה: שעה וחצי שאלון

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נספח: כישורי חשיבה )לפרק ראשון ושני( אנגלית (MODULE F) ספרות או: מילון אנגלי-ערבי / ערבי-אנגלי או: מילון אנגלי-אנגלי-ערבי

נספח: כישורי חשיבה )לפרק ראשון ושני( אנגלית (MODULE F) ספרות או: מילון אנגלי-ערבי / ערבי-אנגלי או: מילון אנגלי-אנגלי-ערבי בגרות לבתי ספר על יסודיים א. סוג הבחינה: מדינת ישראל בגרות לנבחני משנה ב. משרד החינוך בגרות לנבחנים אקסטרניים ג. קיץ תשע"ד, מועד ב, 2014 מועד הבחינה: מספר השאלון: 416 016117, Thinking Skills נספח: כישורי

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ãówh,é ËÓÉÔê ÌW W É Å t" Y w f É ËÓÉÑ É èw É f Ñ u ð NNM YóQ' ÌW W É Y ÉgO d óqk É w f ym Éd É u ð NNM ÌWNQMH uqo ð NNM ÌWNQMH

ãówh,é ËÓÉÔê ÌW W É Å t Y w f É ËÓÉÑ É èw É f Ñ u ð NNM YóQ' ÌW W É Y ÉgO d óqk É w f ym Éd É u ð NNM ÌWNQMH uqo ð NNM ÌWNQMH * .1.2.3 (X). בגרות לבתי ספר על יסודיים סוג הבחינה: מדינת ישראל חורף תשע"ג, 2013 מועד הבחינה: משרד החינוך מספר השאלון: 016117 Thinking Skills נספח: כישורי חשיבה )לפרק ראשון ושני( אנגלית שאלון

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אנגלית ספרות בהצלחה! /המשך מעבר לדף/ נספח: כישורי חשיבה )לפרק ראשון ושני( או: מילון אנגלי-ערבי / ערבי-אנגלי או: מילון אנגלי-אנגלי-ערבי בגרות לבתי ספר על יסודיים א. סוג הבחינה: מדינת ישראל בגרות לנבחני משנה ב. משרד החינוך בגרות לנבחנים אקסטרניים ג. קיץ תשע"ד, מועד ב, 2014 מועד הבחינה: מספר השאלון: 414 016115, Thinking Skills נספח: כישורי

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